Church Life
Church Life *
We meet every Sunday for worship, prayer, coffee and to be family together.
Pre-service prayer: 9:30am
Coffee: 10am
Worship Gathering: 10:30am
We meet at Moss Side Community Centre, Dunkirk Lane, Leyland, PR26 7SN.
Being Family orientated is a big yes for us at Revelation Community Church. We want to journey through life with each other throughout the week. Therefore we meet every Wednesday for our connect group where we will usually study the bible together, talk about what is going on in life and pray with each other.
As a church we believe prayer throughout the week is very important, we also meet up once a week to pray together. This is on a Tuesday evening at 7:30pm in person and online.
Empower seeks to gather men together from the church to spend valuable time together various social gatherings, times of prayer and Bible Studies.
Each Saturday we operate as a community hub & warm space. We are open for hot drinks, food and great company! As well as this being a great social space, we are also here to help with any support needed.
A gathering perfect for all of the family. Messy Church is run periodically to serve as an all age church service. Here you will find all sorts of crafts, creativity, celebration and hospitality. Be sure to keep an eye out on our social media platforms for the next time we do this event!